Stakeholder 360®

Stakeholder strategies and socio-political risk detection




Kyle Bahr, PhD

Kyle Bahr specializes in social aspects of natural resource development. His expertise includes computational modeling of physical and social phenomena. The latter include the social license to operate, consensus building, and network creation using agent-based simulation techniques. After completing his PhD. in Mining and Earth Systems Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, he did a post-doc at the Missouri University of Science and Technology and then was an assistant professor for three years at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. Dr. Bahr currently teaches a course in Outer Space Mining at the Colorado School of Mines. He is the developer of an artificial intelligence system call Social Licence and Controversy Detector and Analyzer (SLaCDA). His research and consulting projects in community and natural research development have ranged across five continents.

Robert Boutilier is a management consultant specializing in stakeholder relations. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the University of Eastern Finland’s MECES (Minerals, Energy, and Circular Economy in Sustainability Transitions) and a Visiting Expert at Gerens Escuela Postgrado, in Lima, Peru. Robert has published dozens of books, chapters, and journal articles on the development of stakeholder strategies. Using custom research, he has provided strategic advice to organizations for over 40 years. His experience ranges from the board rooms of financial institutions in the developed world to subsistence villages in remote regions of the developing world. He has developed techniques for measuring the Social Licence and the socio-political risk in stakeholder networks. His Stakeholder 360® technique produces strategies for sustainable community development and uses machine learning and computational language tools  for detecting and describing the political dynamics around any organization’s activities.

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Robert Boutilier, PhD

